Peoplehood/Nationhood Reparatory Justice Outcomes & Impacts 

The state of being part of DAEUS (Descendants of Africans Enslaved in the United States), is first and foremost a sense of belonging to the African Diaspora in the United States. We understand this sense of belonging as much more than a simplistic, emotional connection to the DAEUS Diaspora. Rather, it reflects a deep identification with a collective consciousness that is a product of the long, rich, historical beginnings and enslavement of DAEUS. The consciousness is composed of a shared status and a shared standing as a people to demand reparations as other peoples have. DAEUS are indigenous to the United States of America. The existence of DAEUS in the United States resulted from a unique confluence of historical events that brought Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans together, creating the so-called “New World” of the Americas based on the European works of the law. This has been used to oppress people of African descent: the invention of racial slavery, the recreation of slave-like conditions through legal Apartheid (also known as Jim Crow) and the recreation of Jim Crow through the new American Apartheid. Each of these phases has been characterized by slavery or Neo-slavery, legally enforced discrimination and legally sanctioned violence as a control mechanism. (Reference: Vernellia Randall, Professor of Law Emerita, University of Dayton School of Law) 


Reparatory Justice Outcomes & Impacts 

The UN Working Group should support and urge the U.S. to acknowledge the agency of DAEUS to develop an independent negotiating group of choice to negotiate a “reciprocal zero-sum” reparations accord to be signed into law and become public policy. The reparations accord to be negotiated between European descendants and African descendants must include, at a minimum, the following five injury areas experienced for centuries by DAEUS, in addition to the murder, kidnapping, rape, terror, and general monstrous destruction human life, culture, and human possibilities: 

a)The UN Working Group should recognize the situation, status, and standing of DAEUS to be not only different from whites but also other minority groups including immigrant blacks. 

b)The UN Working Group should support and advocate for the United States to amend the census and data collection category to have a category for DAEUS (Descendants of Africans Enslaved in the United States) similar to the Hispanic category. 

c)The UN Working Group should support DAEUS with a demand that all federal and state agencies conduct a local racial impact study on all policies and laws with particular 3 attention to the impact on DAEUS within the context of H.R. 40, a bill to establish the Commission to Study Reparation Proposals for African-Americans. 

d)The UN Working Group should support the demand of DAEUS for a human rights law for the 21st Century that conforms to the obligation of the the U.S. put forth by the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD), and that outlaws all forms of racial discrimination including reckless discrimination and negligent discrimination. 

e) The UN Working Group should follow, as used here, a common convention to acknowledge the Global standing and status of African descendants as a means to acknowledge the common identity of humans enslaved throughout the African Diaspora. For example; Descendants of Africans Enslaved in the United States, Descendants of Africans Enslaved in the Carribean, Descendants of Africans Enslaved in Brazil, and so on. 

f) The UN Working Group should support the demand for land in the US for DAEUS. 

g) The UN Working Group should support the demand that the United States pay reparations to Descendants of Africans Enslaved in the United States (DAEUS) per a negotiated reparations accord/agreement, not “aid” or grants, and representatives of the National Coalition of Blacks for Reparations in America (N’COBRA), and other DAEUS advocates for reparations in the United States must be at the negotiation table.