In September 2023, posted 50 new articles. We had  11,841 users in 13,260 sessions and 17,927 page views. Users were from 123 countries and 2803 Cities. The Top Five Countries were the United States, China, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the Philippines.  The Top city in the United States was New York (420), and the top city internationally was London (84). The monthly update list has 4182 subscribers.Our Facebook page has 10,682 followers.  During August on Facebook, there was a 44,036 reach and an 11,894 post engagement.  The reach is the number of people who saw a post on Facebook at least once. The post engagement is the number of reactions, comments, shares and clicks on Facebook posts. Finally, on Quora we had 13,165 views of our posted content.  We no longer post to Twitter.

 Special Thanks

To My New  Patrons
Fern Henley
Brian l Ragsdale
Jose Reyes
And my Continuing Patrons
Whose Financial Support Makes this Site Possible!! 

 2023 09September